Sunday, January 16, 2011

The crary thief mows National Freeway is 319 Feng bridges to add up to more than 6000 rices to the street lamp electric wire of sand ping both ends

(Responsibility editor:Li Meng Yi)
Medium new net Chongqing give or get an electric shock(reporter, Guo Jin Jia, ) on December 29319 Yu in National Freeway Chongqing north segment about 3.6 kilometers of roads segment, the electric wire of both sides in the highway is stolen by all of a crary burglars to walk, the street lamp of this road also thoroughly puts out the light.Yu in Chongqing City north the area public security official is branch office notification said on the 29th, the local police uncovered the crary thieves and burglars street lamp electric wire case and arrested all crime suspects who participate in the cases.
Yu in Chongqing north police reveal and start on September 22 this year, National Freeway 319 lines going by way of the area road segment street lamp electric wire is for many times stolen, crime suspect in 1:00 A.M. to 4 times, adopt the way that the ant moves house to use between more than 10 weathers in, the crary thief mows National Freeway is 319 Feng bridges to add up to more than 6000 rices to the street lamp electric wire of sand ping both ends, the case is worth about 500,000 dollars.

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